
“MEPS” Mastered Self Auspicious Marriage/Business/Product Launch Date Chart

Each day has its own unique planetary, numerical & other cosmic influences that color each experience for that day. Each day can be broken down into seven (7) 3.5-hour periods. Some periods are more advantageous than to do something as life altering as exchanging marriage vows or launching a new business or product. The day you start an endeavor will set the endeavors Long Term Tone and the time you start will set the Daily Operating Vibration for your marriage, business or product. How an endeavor starts is how it will go. If you start out auspiciously, your marriage, business or product will have an auspicious influence built into its Cycle of Experience. If you start out less auspiciously, your marriage, business or product will have a less auspicious influence built into its Cycle of Experience.

I have created the “MEPS” Mastered Self Auspicious Date Chart. I take both marriage partners, business and product Natal Charts, Numbers & Card Influences and determine the Soul Vibration of the marriage, business or product. I then, calculate Your Auspicious Date for maximum prosperity and maximum return.