
Creative Visualizations & Life Pivot Manifestations Affirmations & Intention Statements

As the Co-Creator of your Individual Reality, Creative Visualization & Life Pivot Manifestations will be vital and necessary part of your daily lives. Each of us reach Critical Pivot Points in our lives and without resources, many of us feel frozen or trapped in situations that we desperately desire an escape. How you perceive Your Reality is how it is. In order to change Your Individual Reality, one must first Manifest a Pivot! Whatever the dominant themes that are present in your Current Reality are there because that is all that YOU think about. Whatever is constantly on your mind BECOMES YOUR CURRENT REALITY! Your Purposed Thoughts are what you keep on your mind and become Your Reality. What you set your mind to, with Deliberate Intentions and Purposed Thoughts, are exactly the things and experiences that you receive in your Individual Reality. In order to change your individual reality, one must first MANIFEST A PIVOT!

Our Mastered Self Deliberate Intentions and Purposed Thoughts Are The Vehicles That Transport Mastered Self Desires to Source! Source responds to our Mastered Self Deliberate Intentions and Purposed Thoughts (Our Meditative Words & Thoughts) and returns to us Our Manifesting Mastered Self Desires. “What you set into Motion (Mastered Self Deliberate Intentions and Purposed Thoughts + Actions) SHALL come back and greet you (Manifesting Mastered Self Desires). I will teach you how to TRAIN YOUR MIND TO “DELIBERATELY INTEND (BELIEVE then PLAN) & PURPOSEFULLY THINK (PLAN then ACT)”, to start actualizing and accessing those things that are a part of serving Your Highest Good and Your Mastered Self Desires. I will teach you how to guide, focus, and KEEP your Thoughts, ENERGY & POWER, to only those things that serve Your Highest Good and Your Mastered Self Desires.

During a guided meditation session, Your Mastered Self will show you what your Mastered Self Desires are and I will guide you in the Mastered Self Deliberate Intentions and Purposed Thoughts + Actions process. After this initial guided meditation session, I will create your initial Mastered Self Deliberate Intentions Statements and Purposed Thought + Actions Manifestation Affirmations, according to Your Highest Good and Mastered Self Desires, once we have had our detailed consultation. This is the transformational tool that you can literally “Change how you tell your Life story”. I will also give you the daily interval instructions and ritual guidance that will enable you to manifest your Mastered Self Deliberately Intended and Purposely Thought Out + Acted Upon Desires.