
Each person, family, relationship, partnership or corporate entity, civic, spiritual or social group, etc., originates from its own “I AM” Presence, which is your Mastered Self and operates at your Maximum Potentiated Efficiency. Your Mastered Self originates from one of the Advanced Dimensions. Identifying and activating your Mastered Self is the initial step in your first Ascension. Once you are aware of your Mastered Self, you begin the process of becoming THE Co-Creator, in your Individual Reality. Mastery of Self is the key to elevating yourself above the mundane issues of life that can cause you to stay trapped in a lower level vibration. Mastery of Self allows you to live your Most Authentic Life & enjoy a Mastered Self Lifestyle. Mastery of Self puts you in the position to Happen to Life instead of life happening to you.

I have developed the Spiritual Procedures necessary for this identification and activation, by compiling, analyzing & interpreting your astrological charts, planetary influences, numbers and cards, past lives and current life sum total, all translated into Today’s terms. I have created this I AM Presence Assessment, known as “Mastery, Efficiency & Proficiency of Self or “MEPS” I AM Mastered Self Soul Reading Method“, where I use Mysticism, Prophecy, Advanced Numerology, Advanced Astrology, Advanced Card Sciences (Standard Deck), Sacred Geometry & Advanced Almanactics all in One Complete & Comprehensive Mastered Self Blended Reading.  This reading will provide you with the base to start your Spiritual Ascension. You can also get clarity related your career, health, finances, love life or relationships, business or any other area of life.

Once we have identified your Mastered Self, the process of activation starts by the assigning of your Sacred Geometry Sigil & 7 Points of Light Ray Origin assignment, along with Kundulini Frequency Tuning & Light Body Vibrational Awareness. These processes are arrived at through a Past Life Regression Guided Meditation session(s).

Corporate, Family & Group prices are available, also.

Here is what is included in the initial I AM Mastered Self Assessment Package:

  1. Your Mastered Self “MEPS” I AM Presence Assessment
  2. Your Whole Life Natal Chart
  3. Your Current Birth Year Personal Solar Return Chart
  4. Your Whole Life Destiny Card Assessment Report
  5. Your Current Birth Year Destiny Card Forecast Report
  6. Your Current Birth Year “MEPS” I AM Soul Vibe of the Year & Month
  7. 180 minutes of phone/webcam consultation with me-3 sessions @ 60 minutes each

What I need from you is:

  1. Your First, Middle & Maiden (Last) Name as it appears on your birth certificate
  2. Date of Birth: MM/DD/YYYY
  3. City & State/Country of Birth
  4. Exact Time of Birth (9:16 AM), approximate if not sure