After running and analyzing all of the Numbers…

June 2024 is a Universal 14/5 Month. According to Mastered Self Numerology, the Number 14 is a Malefic Number. The word Malefic has been defined as a productive of evil, maligned, doing hard; baneful. It has an Esoteric Definition, as well. Wherever the Number 14 is found there will be a strong influence of Abusive Behaviors, normally coming from someone or something in a Power or Authority Position, to be displayed to and expressed against the 14 Person or Entity.

On a Global Collective Level and Most prominently here in Merica, there will be a concerted effort by the Powers that Be, to throw their weight around and Abuse their Power and Positions of Authority. June 2024 will be a month of Governmental Overreach, and of Unscrupulous Political Corruption, and of those that are in power positions abusively asserting their power, across every spectrum of life and affecting every level of living and being. There will be a couple of celebrities, and two politicians, and two or three athletes that will get exposed for their scandalous behavior and the lies that they have been telling and hiding behind, for many years. The Legacy Media will do their parts in attempting to protect those that are in favor positions however the spillage will come out, like a torrent, and the stench will be foul.

The Rhetoric will be inflammatory, fiery and heated; and the Rebuttals will be accusatorial, flippant and intense; Those that are in the power position will be using everything at their disposal to batter the opposition, in somewhat abusive ways and means, and those that are the subject of those abuses will fight back with equal fury. The Protected will sense and feel that the walls that secure them are beginning to inch their way down and their security is becoming tenuous, at best. The Lies and the Liars will be on full display and spewing their venom, yet their lies will not register as they have been. Everyone’s Real Intentions will be made aware to all that desire to know.

On a Personal and Individual Level, we can expect to experience our own situations of abuse of power and authority, most likely within our intimate and close inter-personal relationships or at our jobs or places of employment. Wherever there is a power dynamic where emotions rule the roost, expect to see the abuse of power and authority play out. Some of us will be The “Abused” and some of us will be The “Abuser”. All of us need to act accordingly. The month of June 2024 will be a month of vivid and wild speculation, uncertain and bumpy adventures and unsettling restlessness. How we each navigate our individual Soul’s Journey will depend upon how flexible we each can be. Flexible with our schedules. Flexible with our Outside Obligations. Flexible with Ourselves. This is the month to express ourselves in very unique and authentic ways and means. This is the month to throw away the old scripts that have governed our individual daily lives and embrace the new and different ways and means of living and being. Buckle Up, Brace Yourself and Injoy every aspect of the Bumpy and Thrilling Ride.

This will be the General Vibe and Overall Essence of the Entire Month of June 2024.

And NOW, let us hear what the Soul of the Cosmos has to say about June 2024…

June 2024 will be known as the Month of Real Change Starting. This is the month that we each need to become very flexible and very adaptable. I AM talking to the Fixed Signs: Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio when I say this: “Softening Your Stances doesn’t mean you are throwing them away”. Stay very true to yourself and become very mindful of how things are presented to you before making your decisions.

June 2024 starts with an abundantly powerful trine between the Wealth-Giving Planets, Jupiter and Pluto (Currently Retrograde in Capricorn) on June 2nd. Whenever these 2 planets hook up in the Cosmos, they bring life-changing abundance as the reflect deliciously transformative growth vibrations and frequencies. Take advantage of this tremendously positive energy by reaching out to any and everyone who can positively promote you, or will collaborate with you, to generate more wealth, and more power, and more prestige. Now is the time for each of us to awaken from our individual slumbers and start networking and I mean, RIGHT NOW! No need to wait and ponder. Just get up off your ASS and get to it!

Next up, we have a homecoming event with Mercury heading into the sign of its Ruling Planet, Gemini, where it will co-mingle via a sweet conjunction with Jupiter, and with a confident trine with Pluto (Currently Retrograde in Capricorn) on June 3rd. These 2 Positive Action aspects and this entire Transit supports our minds and mental capacity and functions, like never before. We will be thinking faster, and clearer and more efficient than ever before. Now is the time for each of us to go deeper than the surface and to go to the forbidden and forgotten places and spaces, to clean up, clear out and release all unnecessary internal baggage that has been holding us back and for moving forward, with confidence. Go Big with Your Affirmations. Go Big with Your Goals, Desires and Active Pursuits. Get To It!

We have a very powerful and a very transformative Gemini New Moon, which will station direct on June 6th. We have the power to Self-Course Correct and the power to relieve ourselves from some old and long-held internal burdens that are ready to be addressed and released. Now is the time for each of us to choose the actual direction our Soul’s Journey will take, in the next few months and years and it is vitally important for each of us to use this time to get in touch with and encourage our Authentic and Most Progressive Thoughts, and for each of us to narrow down our purpose for maximum manifesting effect. Expect some temporary yet necessary delays, power through them successfully and allow for the full process to unfold.

The Planet of Action and Aggression, Mars, energizes the Sign of Taurus on June 9th, a Sign it hasn’t visited in just about 2 years. This placement effects each of us by motivating and inspiring our indulgences in luxury, opulence, relaxation and sensuality. This is not the most productive placement and we each may tend to lounge around and lean into the lazy vibe of the day. For the next 2 months, we need to be very mindful of this energy and fight through procrastination and malaise with breath work and meditation. Once Mars leaves Taurus, everything will move smoothly, again. Until Then, Injoy Some Rest Whenever You Can. Get To It!

Cancer Season jumps off with the Summer Solstice Direct Station Event, on June 21st, with the Sun moving into Cancer. It marks the start of Summer, here on the Northern Hemisphere and it marks the start of Winter, on the Southern Hemisphere. Now is the time for each of us, on the Northern Hemisphere, to fully and completely face up to, and to process through, and to release all of the Past Toxic Relationship Drama, and Unresolved Childhood Trauma and Any Other Pain that has held each of us back from fully aligning with our Highest Good Purpose. Venus will have already joined the party, on June 17th, bringing her sensuous, soft and compassionate energy to what is lining up as a Most Magickal June 2024.

Zodiac Natives Mastered Self Soul Vibes

Aries Natives

We can get right to it and not dilly-dally around. June 2024 begins with quick-hitting and progressive conversations as the Planet of Communications, Mercury, moves into Gemini on June 3rd, as it activates your 3rd House of Communication, My Ascending Aries Natives. Now is the time for you to remain curious and engaged, and for you to ask plenty of questions. There is a favorable Gemini New Moon, on June 6th giving you the initiative and opportunity to create more wealth and more abundance simply by opening up and sharing your ideas and knowledge with others. Your Ruling Planet, Mars, will be leaving your Sign on June 9th, when it will barrel, full steam ahead, into your Cash, Income and Resources sector of your chart, awakening your 2nd House of Stability. Working out a strategic plan will go a long way towards you arriving at goal realization. Venus enters Cancer on June 17th activating your 4th House of Intuition and Mercury slides into Cancer the same day, offering you the opportunity to communicate your needs, wants and desires from a place of vulnerability. As you explore your inner world, much will be revealed. The Sun swings into Cancer on June 20th encouraging you to focus on your safety, security and comfort needs. The very next day, the Capricorn New Moon stations exact, activating your 10th House of Career and Fame. Now is the time for you to release all self-doubt that has been holding you back and for you to believe your most humble hype and step out and shine.

Taurus Natives

June 2024 begins with you in a position of Strength with Mercury gliding into Gemini on June 3rd, which illuminates and activates your 2nd House of Stability, My Ascending Taurus Natives. There can be a few conversations regarding your vocation and your place in it and you should be very clear about your worth and value and you should be prepared to speak up for yourself. There will be an Invoking Gemini New Moon on June 6th, that will encourage you to set forth on a brand-new adventure of manifestation and discovery. Now is the time for you to seriously make the effort to manifest at least one of your goals and you will be greatly rewarded. Large Scale Change and Forward Progress arrive when The Planet of Action and Aggression, Mars, enters your Sign on June 8th, as it awakens your 1st House of Identity. By staying true to yourself and being authentically you, personal empowerment will definitely happen. Take some extra “ME” time and nourish your Physical Body. You will feel much better. Venus will cozy into the Intuitive Seas when she slides into Cancer on June 17th, heating up your 3rd House of Communication. There will be a building desire for deep and significant conversations, as you fully listen to your heart. Connections made or strengthened now will become sources of Joy, Bliss and Fulfillment. Mercury also joins the Party in Cancer on June 17th, showering you with plenty of Cosmic Downloads and Endless Ideas. Affirmations and Mantras that prompt a Mind Set Shift will assist you in manifesting your dreams into your Reality. The Sun entering Cancer on June 20th, shines a healthy light on your Mind, thereby evolving your perspectives and exciting your ideas. The Capricorn Full Moon on June 21st illuminates your 9th House of Expansion and will demand that you release all outdated beliefs. Now is the time for you to move your Big Picture Goals forward by learning something new or by perfecting your craft.

Gemini Natives

June 2024 begins on a tremendously high note as the Trickster Planet Mercury enters your Sign on June 3rd, My Ascending Gemini Natives. During the process of fully learning about and knowing yourself, you will definitely come face to face with your own value of being and feeling fully expressed. There is a powerful Gemini New Moon stationing exact on June 6th, which will open you up to new avenues of adventure and new paths of self-discovery. Follow your inspiration and tap into your authenticity, for best results. A much-needed invitation for you to slow down happens when Mars glides into Taurus on June 8th. You should look for ways to reduce any and all stressors, in your daily life, and finding a sacred place or space of solitude and retreat will definitely assist you in calming yourself down. Now is the time for you to slide into your Natural Flow of Life, and to Rest, and to Replenish your Energy with spiritual self-care rituals that support and relax you. June 17th is a Major Day for you as both Venus and Mercury pleasantly disrupt the emotional waters when they enter Cancer, illuminating your 2nd House of Wealth. You should experience the feeling of success as material abundance is attracted to you. Keep the lines of communication open as you put in the effort to manifest your goals into your Reality. More abundant opportunities follow the Sun when it enters Intuitive Cancer on June 20th. Trust Your Intuition as it leads and guides you to new paths of discovery that lead to your emotional fulfillment. Now is the time for you to remember your resourcefulness and your strengths, and for you to allow your natural gifts and talents to shine brightly. June 21st brings the Capricorn Full Moon which illuminates your 8th House of Transformation. Now is the time for you to release every outdated belief, stance or structure in your daily life, that has held you back. Intimate relationships may reach an important turning point. No Matter what, Be Authentically You!

Cancer Natives

June 2024 starts off with a huge dose of Rejuvenation, with Mercury gliding into Gemini on June 3rd, lighting up and bringing conscious awareness to your 12th House of Relaxation, My Ascending Gemini Natives. By taking a thorough and deep inner dive into your Soul, you have the opportunity to start the healing process with a simple conversation. The Gemini New Moon stations exact on June 6th, which will assist you in the process of unlocking some powerful emotions that can and will lead you to new paths of discovery and maybe even a new beginning of sorts. You will be extremely motivated to manifest your goals when the Planet of Action and Aggression, Mars, glides into Taurus on June 8th, illuminating your 11th House of Aspirations. Knowing that your Future is going to be alright, even if it is unknown, is all you need to hold on to, at this time. Now is the time to express your passion, and for you to share your knowledge and ideas with your friends, with your community and with society. Your Self-Confidence receives a tremendous boost when both Venus and Mercury enter your Sign, Cancer, on June 17th, as these placements illuminate and awaken your 1st House of Self. Be Prepared as All Eyes will be On You. By communicating your deepest and most cherished needs, wants and desires, your manifestation powers get empowered and fully engaged. A New Cycle of experience begins for you when our energy source, The Sun enters your Sign, Cancer, on June 20th, ushering in a time of Renewal and Re-Birth, for you. New Paths of adventure and Self-Discovery will present themselves to you. Remember to trust your intuition and to listen to your body, as you contemplate what you desire to create and bring into your Reality. There will be a Capricorn Full Moon happening on June 21st, illuminating your 7th House of Partnership. Now is the time for you to set boundaries, and for you to let go of unrealistic expectations, and for you to gently release all of your past toxic relationship drama, trauma and pain patterns and for you to allow deepest and highest good connections to evolve further. You Are The Star of The Story. Shine On!

Leo Natives

June 2024 begins with a tremendous boost in your Popularity, with Mercury sliding into Gemini on June 3rd, illuminating and activating your 11th House of Friendship, My Ascending Leo Natives. When you share your Big Picture Goals, Desires and Active Pursuits, your social circles will definitely expand as you will be in extremely High Demand. The Gemini New Moon, stationing exact on June 6th, can bring you an exciting and promising collaboration that will definitely take you on a new journey of self-discovery. The Planet of Action and Aggression, Mars, enters Taurus on June 8th, illuminating and activating your 10th House of Careers, giving you tremendous influence and a bit of recognition throughout this transit. You should be very mindful of the impact you have on others as you align with cosmic brilliance by showcasing and displaying your natural talents and abilities. There will be an energy shift when both Venus and Mercury enter Cancer on June 17th, illuminating and activating your 12th House of Spirituality. Master Breath Work and Creative Visualization Meditation will help you to ground yourself and assist you in searching the depths of your Soul in order for you to come into contact with your SoulCore Needs, Wants and Desires. You may feel the need to end a certain and necessary situation that you no longer desire to be connected with, and that is perfect for this transit. When The Sun enters Cancer on June 20th, the need for rest, relaxation and a long break will be ever present. Now is the time for you to schedule a relaxing getaway that would rejuvenate you to no end. Now is the time for you to totally trust your intuition and for you to pay attention to and take care of your mental health. On June 21st, The Capricorn Full Moon lights up your 6th House of Service and provides you your best opportunity to process through and release some unhealthy habits and for you to streamline your daily vocational efforts. Turn your Have-To’s into Want-To’s and free up some of your valuable time and eliminate the unnecessary pressure to perform. Self-care is the Elixir.

Virgo Natives

June 2024 starts off with tremendous empowerment when Mercury boldly enters Gemini on June 3rd, awakening and illuminating your 10th House of Achievements, My Ascending Virgo Natives. Your reputation is growing in leaps and bounds and you are communicating at and on an extremely high and efficient level. You will have some important people looking to invest in you or with you during the Gemini New Moon Cycle that stations exact on June 6th. You will be recognized for your natural talents, in significantly abundant ways. When The Planet of Action and Aggression, Mars, enters Taurus on June 8th, it will burst into your 9th House of Expansion, giving you access to powerful knowledge from a new Teacher, Mentor or Guide. You may get a few opportunities to share this newfound knowledge with society in profound and unique ways. Now is the time for you to embrace and injoy the adventure set before you. It will be all about your optimism when both Venus and Mercury enter Nurturing Cancer on June 17th, awakening and illuminating your 11th House of Social Happenings. You may end up exploring new communities or groups that align with your Soul and enlighten you. You may be compelled to link up with and connect with like-minded Souls when The Sun enters Cancer on June 20th. The focus will be on how you cultivate and nurse along your relationships with your peers. You have a tremendous support team that are ready and willing to assist you. Don’t forget that. The Capricorn Full Moon awakens and illuminates your 5th House of Pleasure on June 21st, giving you the Power and Courage to resist, repel and reject everything that no longer aligns with your Highest Good and doesn’t feel good to you anymore. Romance will be highlighted as you look to injoy creature comforts and simple pleasures.

Libra Natives

June 2024 begins on an exciting note when Mercury struts into Gemini on June 3rd, awakening and illuminating your 9th House of Adventure, My Ascending Libra Natives. You may find yourself totally engulfed in an area of your studies that has you and your imagination completely captivated. The Gemini New Moon on June 6th invites you to take the critical journey of self-discovery, growth and learning. Remember to stay present and injoy the learning process. When The Planet of Action and Aggression, Mars, enters Taurus on June 8th, your focus should be on shared resources and money with the awakening and activation of your 8th House of Money. Now is the time for you to settle into a realistic budgeting plan and for you to start reducing your debt. Allow Personal Growth and Your Success to Totally Transform You. It is time for things to look and feel different. Your public persona will be in the spotlight when both Venus and Mercury enter Cancer on June 17th, lighting up your 10th House of Careers. Now is the time for you to step into the Spotlight and communicate boldly and bravely, as you share your insights from a place and space of strength. You will be ready to step into your next level of personal and professional evolution when The Sun enters Cancer on June 20th. You may receive an award or some form of recognition for your Natural Talents and the work you have done, so be ready to network and promote yourself. The Capricorn Full Moon awakens and lights up your 4th House of Emotions on June 21st. It is extremely vital to and for you to trust your intuition and for you to release every situation, association, circumstance, event or happening that make you feel unsafe or insecure. It Is Time to Let It All Go!

Scorpio Natives

June 2024 begins with tremendous Change when Mercury jumps into Gemini on June 3rd, awakening and illuminating your 8th House of Transformation, My Ascending Scorpio Natives. You may find yourself initiating important conversations concerning long-term commitments involving Love, Money and Business and these conversations will continue throughout the month. The Gemini New Moon assists you in releasing old habits and outdated situations, as well as helps you to embrace a healthy fresh start, on June 6th. Intimacy or thoughts of Intimacy grows with Special others. The Planet of Action and Aggression, Mars, enters Taurus on June 8th awakening and emboldening your 7th House of Partnership. Now is the time for you to nourish and cultivate the connections and bonds that add value to your daily life, as well as it is time for you to form mutually beneficial alliances with those close to you. Be Patient With Yourself and Your Inner Circle. Much needed inspiration arrives when both Venus and Mercury link up in Cancer on June 17th, awakening and activating your 9th House of Adventure. Now is the time for you to really consider planning that exciting and expansive getaway trip to somewhere special or with someone special. It is also the perfect time for you to share your wisdom and publish your work. You will feel a surge of enthusiasm about expanding your comfort zone and about opening up your Mind to New ideas when The Sun enters Cancer on June 20th. Now is the time for you to attempt everything new and for you to awaken and activate your free-spirit vibration. A Change in Your perspective will bring new Possibilities. The Capricorn Full Moon awakens and lights up your 3rd House of Communication on June 21st. Be mindful of staying in the present and watch your tendency of over-analysis as you go deeper into your Soul to bring Deeper truths to the surface and focus on nurturing yourself as you process through your thoughts. This is a most powerful time for you to share exactly what is on your Mind!

Sagittarius Natives

June 2024 begins with some serious connection energy, when Mercury slides into Gemini on June 3rd, awakening and lighting up your 7th House of Relationships, My Ascending Sagittarius Natives. You will be initiating conversations in order to build healthy and prosperous alliances, as teamwork is the key to your success. You can expect to hear and receive some very good news regarding your love life and love, in general, when the Gemini New Moon stations exact on June 6th. The Planet of Action and Aggression, Mars, enters Taurus on June 8th, awakening and lighting up your 6th House of Personal Development. Now is the time for you to elevate your Self-Care Rituals, and for you to implement more Self-Love Practices and for you to reimagine your work/life balance. Consider a more holistic approach with healing modalities like acupuncture and massage to relieve the stressors of your daily life. Your desire for evolution gets awakened and illuminated when both Venus and Mercury enter Cancer and lights up your 8th House of Transformation on June 17th. Topics of discussion could center around Finances and Long-Term Commitments and you could actually receive a windfall of abundance that literally blows your Mind. You are at the ready to level all the way up when The Sun enters Cancer on June 20th. Now is the time for you to fully release the past and for you to release your grip on everything that you cannot control. Stay Present and Mindful of Your Purpose as you dive deep into the Shadow of Change. Remember, you must be firmly planted in order to experience full growth. The Capricorn Full Moon awakens and lights up your 2nd House of Wealth on June 21st. Now is the time for you to fully release all of your fears and Self-Doubt in order for you to create more financial security for yourself. Give yourself some credit for what you are already good at and doing.

Capricorn Natives

June 2024 begins with a serious focus on your Self-Care when Mercury slides into Gemini on June 3rd, awakening and activating your 6th House of Wellness, My Ascending Capricorn Natives. Now is the time for you to review and adjust your work habits as you move to harmonize your work/life balance. You could and should be breaking old patterns and unhealthy habits and should be receiving some very good news concerning your vocation when the Gemini New Moon stations exact on June 6th. The Planet of Action and Aggression, Mars, enters Taurus on June 8th, awakening and lighting up your 5th House of Abundance making it extremely easy for you to increase your material wealth as long as you are injoying life and feeling healthy. Reviving a Passion Project is definitely in the offing. Relationships and partnerships will be in the spotlight when both Venus and Mercury link up in Cancer, awakening and lighting up your 7th House of Partnerships on June 17th. Now is the time for you to lean into your magnetic and alluring Self-Expressions as you will be drawn to people you can emotionally bond with. Have those vulnerable conversations with the people you trust in order to strengthen existing bonds and to form new ones. When The Sun moves into Cancer on June 20th, you will be more than ready to dive deep into and immerse yourself in Love. Keep in Mind that not all Love is Romantic and Reciprocity is always the key to a fair and equal exchange of Love Energy. This is your time to grow with others. The Capricorn Full Moon on June 21st awakens and lights up your 1st House of Identity and will serve as an instigating catalyst for you and your personal evolution. Now is the time for you to release every outdated and unauthentic version of yourself in order for you to embrace and encourage a new and fresh start. From a serious place and space of Intuition, you will be able to release old behavior patterns and step into a totally new You.

Aquarius Natives

June 2024 kicks off with a tremendous amount of material and spiritual abundance when Mercury saunters into Gemini on June 3rd, awakening and illuminating your 5th House of Pleasure, My Ascending Aquarius Natives. You may find yourself injoying a more playful side of yourself and atmosphere, as a lighthearted approach to love seems safe and feels fun. There will be an influx of Great News and Positivity when the Gemini New Moon stations exact on June 6th. Stay Present and receive everything good and prosperous. You will be focused upon your closest allies and inner circle when the Planet of Action and Aggression, Mars, enters Taurus on June 8th, awakening and inflaming your 4th House of Emotions. Now is the time for you to acknowledge the people, places and events that feel like home, to you, and for you to fully embrace them so you can settle in and feel comfortable. Now is also the time for you to make some Personal Space Adjustments for Mental Clarity and Forward Progress Inspiration. Warmth and Generosity arrive when both Venus and Mercury link up in Cancer, awakening and lighting up your 6th House of Personal Development on June 17th. You should definitely take the time to review and revise your daily routines and you should definitely create more time for Self-Care since it is next to impossible to manifest anything when you are stressed. You will be feeling the need to balance out your work/life efforts when The Sun enters Cancer on June 20th. There will be a focus and spotlight on your Natural Talents and Abilities, so make sure you are showing off your best Shyt. The simple pleasure serves you the best, right now. The Capricorn Full Moon awakens your 12th House of Rest and affords you the perfect and needed opportunity to slow daPhuck Down. Take this time to recharge your inner energy and to actually tap into your Spiritual Side. Release Rituals will make you free and clear up places and spaces for new beginnings.

Pisces Natives

June 2024 starts off centered around your intentions when Mercury glides into Gemini on June 3rd, awakening and lighting up your 4th House of Emotions, My Ascending Pisces Natives. This is the season for you to totally listen to and trust your intuition. Any heartfelt and sincere conversation will bring powerful breakthroughs. On June 6th, The Gemini New Moon brings with it some much needed focus and attention on your home and family life and you could be compelled to research your ancestry or make some beautification adjustments to your living space. The Planet of Action and Aggression, Mars, enters Taurus on June 8th, awakening and activating your 3rd House of Communication and you could actually find yourself ready and willing to connect with others. Just be patient and give others the same grace you desire when connecting. Journaling and Meditation bring Many Revelations. An abundance of happiness and Bliss arrive when both Venus and Mercury link up in Cancer, awakening your 5th House of Pleasure on June 17th. Now is the time for you to experience pure Bliss and complete satisfaction as you reject and release everything that no longer makes you feel safe, secure or happy. The Sun enters Cancer on June 20th and it invites you to get seriously creative and to have fun in the process of creation. Now is the time for you to seek out situations that allow you to express what is in your heart and for you to gather with those you love the most. The Capricorn Full Moon awakens your 11th House of Friendship on June 21st and will have you in an especially festive and social mood. Connecting with others through shared passions and interests will assist you in developing and cultivating deeper bonds. Just make sure you align with your Highest Good Goals, Desires and Active Pursuits for Best Results.