On The Cosmic Waves of The March 19, 2020 Spring Equinox, On March 24, 2020 @ 2:28 AM, PDT, we experienced The Aries New Moon Station Event. We just entered into a Cycle of Intense ReSetting of Our Daily Lives & New Beginnings, in The Midst of The “SHIFT” into Our Emerging “New” Normal! Currently, the Portal of Cosmic Change is Open For Business and willing to assist each of US, in the areas of our lives that are Stagnate, Stale, Stalled, Stuffy and STANKY, and in Desperate and Overdue NEED of Immediate and Permanent Change! Every Personal Association, Situation and Endeavor, that is no longer serving Our Highest Good, will come to a head, NOW and be DEALT WITH, NOW! Unpleasant as it may be, ALL Imbalanced Associations, Uncomfortable Situations and Valueless Endeavors WILL BE Reconciled and Removed, allowing those that remain to be brought into Perfect Alignment with Our Emerging “New” Normal. Now is the TIME to EMBRACE All Cosmic Change Energy, Wherever It Manifests In Our Lives. Now is the TIME to Trust Where You Are Going and to Forget Where You Have Been!

Aries Energy is Impulsive and Always Ready To Go. Aries Energy is Aggressive and Bossy. Aries Energy is Playful and Pushy. How each of US navigates through this Cycle determines How and What the Next 7-9 Years of Our Individual Lives will be like. Take some time and THINK about what you would really like to do WITH, Through and For, YOURSELF and just get started with it. Write that book, Design that website, Create that unique product and begin to market it, Become that Consultant, in your area of expertise, Start that Business, or whatever it is that you have been desiring to accomplish, and give it everything you have and Trust the Process. Start Right Where You Are, Right Now, With Everything You Have, Right Now and Believe in Yourself and Your Vision. What You Feed, Right Now, Will Definitely Grow. Your Success is Contingent Upon YOU Getting Your Ass In Gear! Now is not the TIME to Sit Back and Wait, Now is the TIME to Get Up and BE GREAT!

These Next Few Weeks and Months will be Times of Change, New Beginnings and Renewal. Long Standing Systems and Institutions Will Begin to Crumble as New Paradigms and Power Centers Begin to Take Effect. New Solutions to Old and Existing Problems Will Magickally Appear. Traditional Remedies Will Give Way To Holistic Healing and Harmonious Living. Our Priorities, Perceptions and Plans Must Change in order for US to Take Full Advantage of This Cycle. Who You Become Is Much More Important Than Who You Have Been! The Choice, As Always, Is Yours…

Your Mastered Self Awaits YOU!