A Refreshing and Renewed sense of Balance and Harmony is what this Libra New Moon is ushering in for each and everyone of US. On September 28, 2019 @ 11:26 AM PDT we will experience the Libra New Moon Exact Station Event. Balance and Harmony, across all levels of our daily lives are being restored at the Libra New Moon Exact station Event and for the 16 days of this transit. Today (and the 16 days that follow) is a time for Pausing, Pondering and Preparing. Pausing to consider all that is currently manifesting in our Individual Realities and deciding upon which New Direction we each will take. Pondering on which New Beginnings are aligning with our Highest Good and how we can better Empower these New Beginnings. Preparing for the New Destinations we each are embarking upon and the adjustments that are taking place, in our Every Day Lives. Welcome to Your Emerging New Normal. What We Each Set Into Motion, during this 16 Day Transit shall totally transform how we Live Our Daily Lives and where we actually see ourselves ascending to. New Beginnings will definitely BE the Constant and Prevailing Theme for the next 16 Days.

During this Libra New Moon 16 Day Transit, New Love and Creative Business Commitments will Manifest Very Quickly and Cherished Relationships that will Alter Our Life Paths will enter into each of our lives. We each will have the opportunity to Start Fresh, with Passion being at the center of all Emerging New “NORMAL” Associations, Situations and Endeavors. Negotiations Concerning Business, Creativity and Romance will BE Fast and Furious and a Rush of Harmony will flood all Emerging New Normal Situations, Associations and Endeavors. Now is the time to Embrace the New Beginnings that are Manifesting and to Empower Yourself and the Emerging New “Normal” Life and Lifestyle that is becoming apparent as this Next “NEW” Phase of Life begins for each of US. Now it the time to reach Forward, and to cultivate only those Situations, Associations and Endeavors that definitely are serving your Highest Good. Now is the time to make New Plans and Seek New Destinations that aid in our Comfort and Benefit our Spiritual and Financial Bottom Lines! Continue to Nurture those Passion Projects and Potentials that you currently are devoted to and REMAIN Positive, in the face of the Changes that are certainly ahead, for each of US, these next 16 Days. Trust That Where Each of US Is GOING, Is Greater Than Where Each of US Has Ever Been!

The Libra New Moon Transit Period is About Fresh Starts. fresh Starts All Across the Board and on every level and aspect, in our daily lives and lifestyles. Now is the Time to BE Self-Responsible, with our actions and Self-Responsible with all our obligations. Now is the time for some Very Healthy Selfishness. Consider your Comfort, Stability and Sustenance and Focus in on What It Takes to Make YOU Contented and Complete and then Go For All of That! However that looks to each of US, we each must BE Selfish in Our Thoughts and Selfish in Our Decisions. What, Who, How and Why each of US chooses to do these next 16 days will have a Most Profound EFFECT on the next 7-9 years of our lives. Choose Very Deliberately and Very Wisely!

Your Mastered Self Awaits YOU!