Our Shadow Self is the part of each of us that stores and carries all of our various traumas and negative behavior patterns. It normally is the part of each of us that we choose to keep hidden and concealed from the World, and from those we love and care about and most importantly, from our own individual selves. It may come as a shock to learn that connecting with and embracing our individual Shadow Self is the Crucial Step and Very First Step, in the Healing Process.

1. I AM Permanently Resolving, Releasing and Reversing all of my Childhood Physical, Sexual, Mental, Emotional and Verbal Abuse, Pain and all other Trauma that My Mother Maggie, and My Father Eddie, and My Grandmother Hattie, and My Aunt Dorothy, and My Uncle Alvin, and My Uncle Claude, and Sandra from across the street, and My Classmate Gary inflicted upon me and perpetrated against me, as a Child and during My Developmental Ages and Stages and that I have carried into My Adult Life, that affects My Decision-Making Processes and that have negatively influenced My Everyday Life, Living and Lifestyle. I AM Reassigning all of my Childhood Physical, Sexual, Mental, Emotional and Verbal Abuse, Pain and all other Trauma that I have carried into my Adult Life, Living and Lifestyle back to My Mother Maggie, and My Father Eddie, and My Grandmother Hattie, and My Aunt Dorothy, and My Uncle Alvin, and My Uncle Claude, and Sandra from across the street, and My Classmate Gary that inflicted or perpetrated My Childhood Physical, Sexual, Mental, Emotional and Verbal Abuse, Pain and all other Trauma and then back to the Void.

Individually, we must be able to accept and admit that we each have some negative thought, decision-making and behavior patterns before we can move forward in the processing through, and the releasing of, and the reassigning or reversing of these patterns, in order for True Healing to begin. Once we can come to this point of admittance, our awareness of self and of our own behaviors will become much more apparent and illuminate the areas that we each still need to do some work in. This Shadow Work is the True Step of Accountability.

2. I AM Permanently Resolving, Releasing and Reversing all of my Past Toxic Relationship Dependency Appetites, Dysfunctional Behaviors, Delusional Beliefs and Destructive Attitudes that I have repeated in every relationship I have participated in, and all of my Past Toxic Relationship Physical, Mental, Emotional and Sexual Abuse, Experiences and Drama I willingly and unwillingly participated in with Cheryl Lynn Allen, and Yolanda Rene Coates, and with Maetta Williams, and with Rochelle L. Flowers, and with Tammie Evell Martin, and with Dionne Partre Meadows, and with Tameeka Latrice Wyndon during this incarnation and I reassign them back to every unauthentic version of Mark Edward Pyle that no longer exists on this plane, that participated in each relationship and then back to the Void.

Physical Intimacy is much more than the act of intercourse. Whenever 2 individuals engage in the actual act of intercourse, there is a Convergence of Energies, a Co-Mingling of Energies and an Immediate Soul Connection is made between the 2 individuals. Some of our intimate partners are Past Life Connections that we hook up with, every time we each incarnate. Other intimate partners are Soul Matches and we gravitate to those that we are familiar with or that we intrinsically remember. Some are just Entanglements that temporarily caught our attention. All create Soul Connection Cords of Attachment that should be disconnected and disabled once the intimacy is no longer happening. Dark (Sex) Magick can be something that we inadvertently agree to, in an attempt to please our partner and it can also be performed on you without your knowledge.

3. I AM Permanently Disconnecting, Disabling, Nullifying, Negating, Releasing and Reversing all of My Past Soul Contract Connections, and all of My Past Soul Connection Cords of Attachment, and all of My Past Physically Intimate Entanglements, and all the Past Dark (Sex) Magick performed on me or inferred to me, and all the Past Intentional, Unintentional, Wanted and Unwanted Esoteric Imprinting, Spells or other Spiritual, Physical, Mental and Emotional Manipulation that have been performed on me or inferred to me that I have willingly or unwillingly received from Cheryl Lynn Allen, and Dian Brazil, and Yolanda Rene Coates, and Maetta Williams, and Rochelle L. Flowers, and Tammie Evell Martin, and Dionne Partre Meadows, and Tameeka Latrice Wyndon that no longer align with or serve My Highest Good. I AM reassigning these back to Cheryl Lynn Allen, and Dian Brazil, and Yolanda Rene Coates, and Rochelle L. Flowers, and Tammie Evell Martin, and Dionne Partre Meadows, and Tameeka Latrice Wyndon and then back to the Void.

We also have more than a few Non-Physical and Non-Intimate Connections via the various alliances, allegiances, covenants and contracts we have willingly executed and sometime we have either unwillingly executed them or executed them under some form of duress, with our Verbal Declarations and with our Signature Endorsements Authorization. There is an old saying that goes something like this, “The Devil is in the Details” that rings absolutely true concerning the various forms we have been asked to or compelled to endorse with our signatures. The fine print has all of the terms, conditions and penalties and quite frankly, most do not even take the time to read through the fine print before we sign on the dotted line. It is time to re-claim every one of those Verbal Declarations and Signature Endorsement Authorizations that are no longer in effect.

4. I AM Permanently Cancelling, Nullifying, Negating and Releasing all Past Verbal, Written and all other Non-Verbal Oaths of Allegiances, and all Verbal, Written and all other Non-Verbal Covenants, and all Verbal, Written and all other Non-Verbal and Assumed Contracts, and every Personal Signature I have executed on any Job Application, Employment Offer Letter, Employee Handbook, Credit Card Applications, Banking and Loan Documents, Political Petitions, Bank Card Authorizations, Governmental Documents and all other Non-Verbal Authorizations that no longer serve my Highest Good and that I AM no longer employed by or affiliated with, that have not been dissolved legally, verbally, in writing and in any other way, shape or form. I AM Reassigning these back to the unauthentic versions of Mark Edward Pyle that no longer exists on this plane, that provided these Signature Endorsement Authorizations and then back to the Void.

Can’t, Won’t and Don’t are three simple words that have a tremendous effect on how we see ourselves and what we actually think, feel and believe we are truly capable of. Complete Knowledge of Self is vital in the Pursuit of Our Individual Purpose and is something that determines just how our Individual Soul’s Journey plays out. We each carry with us Personal Limiting Beliefs that can throw us off our Desired Path. Self-Doubt always leads to Self-Sabotaging Behaviors. Procrastination is the number one outlet for this and manifest regularly when it is unchecked, unresolved and still lingering in each of us. It is time to clear out all of these Self-Characteristics and embrace our Individual Freedom and encourage our Individual Forward Progress.

5. I AM Permanently Cancelling, Nullifying, Negating and Releasing all of My Past Personal Limiting Beliefs, all of My Past Self-Sabotaging Behaviors and all of my Past Self-Doubt that paralyzed any of My Projects with My Procrastination, and that interrupted any of My Plans with Self-Inflicted Problems and that tempered any of My Passions with My Perceived Prudence. I AM Reassigning these back to the unauthentic versions of Mark Edward Pyle that no longer exist, on this plane, and then back to the Void.

What we each choose to do, aside from our jobs, vocations and entrepanuerial endeavors, is as important to our Progress as anything we choose to learn, educationally, and is as vital as anything we can ever experience and put into Positive Motion. How we allow ourselves to be entertained and what we allow ourselves to indulge in has direct and sometimes final consequences that often times can derail us in our Individual Pursuit of Manifesting Our Personal and Professional Goals, Desires and Active Pursuits. Allowing your Soul (Mastered Self) to regulate these areas of your life will go along way towards relieving each of us of the burden of unhealthy choice. Its time to unburden ourselves and move forward.

6. I AM Permanently Cancelling, Nullifying, Negating and Releasing all of My Fear-Based Spiritual, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Intellectual, Financial and Sexual Limiting-Belief Attitudes, Appetites, Habits, Hobbies, Entertainment and Interests that Stifles My Personal Creativity, and that Stalls My Professional Creative Expression, and that Suffocates My Spiritual Ambitions, and that Stagnates My Inner Growth. I AM Reassigning these back to the unauthentic versions of Mark Edward Pyle that no longer exist, on this plane, and then back to the Void.

“Be Yourself, Everybody Else is Taken” is an axiom that has Universal truth embedded into it. In today’s society, the ability to be anything you desire is much more acceptable and prevalent yet it is in the essence of this thought pattern that the problems with Authenticity come into play. How we show up, for ourselves, first and then for others, is the issue that confounds and confuses most folks alive today. Always seeking outside validation is a symptom of not being able to accept the real deal about our individual selves. Being Unapologetically Authentic, concerning every area of your life and lifestyle allows each of us to connect with and tap into Our Own Individual Natural Flow, without having to put on Airs or attempt to deceive others. Let’s get rid of everything that isn’t an Unapologetically Authentic Representations of ourself, and of our beliefs, and of our intentions.

7. I AM Permanently Cancelling, Nullifying, Negating and Releasing all Past Unauthentic Versions of Mark Edward Pyle, that no longer exist, on this plane, and all Past Unauthentic Versions of Mark Edward Pyle’s Story that were never actual nor factual, that were never based in Apodictic Truth, and that no longer align with My Mastered Self nor serve My Highest Good. I AM Reassigning these past unauthentic versions of Mark Edward Pyle and these past unauthentic versions of Mark Edward Pyle’s Story that no longer exist, on this plane, back to those situations, associations, circumstances, endeavors, events and happenings they were originally created for and then back to the Void.

Always Be Authentically You, Unapologetically

Your Mastered Self Awaits You