Your Vocational (Financial) Self-Personality

Assigned to the Solar Plexus Chakra

Your Vocational (Financial) Self-Personality resides in your Gut and serves as the Expression of your Ambitions. Whatever your Vocational (Financial) Goals, Desires and Active Pursuits are, Your Vocational (Financial) Self-Personality will position you to express them through any work you do for some form of payment, as long as they are clearly defined and realistically reachable. Your Vocational (Financial) Self-Personality determines how much you value your time, when trading it for a semi-secure career or job (Income), and when you invest some of your semi-secure income into any one of your entrepanuerial endeavors.

Are my current Vocational Goals, Desires and Active Pursuits clearly defined and realistically reachable?
Do I truly value my time when trading it for some form of payment or Do I always find myself in the “Take What I Can Get” stage?
If I have entrepanuerial ambitions, AM I investing my semi-secure income towards manifesting these ambitions?

Your Vocational (Financial) Self-Personality works in tandem with Your Emotional Self-Personality (Self-Worth and Self-Esteem) in determining exactly how much money or other tangible resources you will accept, as some form of payment, for any work you do. Your Vocational (Financial) Self-Personality negotiates with your Physical Self-Personality (Physical Body) regarding the types of work you will do for some form of payment or tangible resource. Your Vocational (Financial) Self-Personality collaborates with and is strongly influenced by your Spiritual, Mental and Intellectual Self-Personalities in regards to any and all specialized skills you have, that you use while you trade your time for a semi-secure career (income), and in reference to choosing specific industries or job titles you desire to connect and align with for possible semi-secure income opportunities and for your entrepanuerial endeavors.

Do I thoroughly injoy my current semi-secure career or entrepanuerial endeavors and if not, what AM I willing to do to change my current vocational situation?
AM I using everything I know to maximize my income earning potential or AM I in a dead-end semi-secure vocational situation that I had to accept?
AM I equipped with the necessary skills to take a promotion if offered or AM I content doing what I AM currently doing and not interested in moving up?

Plain and Simple: Your Vocational (Financial) Self-Personality determines exactly what you will do to earn income, legally or otherwise. No matter which vocational area you choose to connect and align with, Your Vocational (Financial) Self-Personality weighs everything about any company or corporation you trade your time for some form of payment and decides how long to stay connected and aligned. Regardless of any civil or criminal law that is currently on the books and regardless of every potential risk, Your Vocational (Financial) Self-Personality decides which risks, if any, are worth the potential rewards. Your Vocational (Financial) Self-Personality consults with Your Spiritual Self-Personality concerning your personal morals when you consider doing anything that is either a “get-rich-quick scheme”, strictly illegal or in the “Gray-Area” of legality.

Do I really know the limits (Legal or Otherwise) I would go to earn a sustaining income?
Do My Personal Morals mean more to me than my semi-secure career or job?
AM I content with My current income-earning situation and if not, what AM I willing to do to fix it?
AM I living within my current income-earning means and if not, what AM I prepared to do to reign in my spending?
Where can I supplement my current income-earning capacity?

Vocational (Financial) Self-Personality Mantra

If I did not Earn it, I should not Spend it.

How you earn your income becomes the major circumstance in your life, from a very young age. From the very first time you decided to trade your time for some form of payment or tangible resource, you became aware of just what the proper exchange feels and looks like. Regardless of your situation or circumstance, Your Vocational (Financial) Self-Personality establishes your Worth and what that will cost to anyone that wants to exchange your time and talent for some form of payment or tangible resource.

Know Your Worth, then Double it, then add in Taxes and Special Handling Surcharge Fees