Your Physical Self-Personality
Assigned to the Crown Chakra

Your Physical Self-Personality resides in your Physical Body, and it serves as the Center of Accountability and Transformation of Your Physical Existence. There is no greater initial indicator of exactly what type of Life and Lifestyle you are experiencing than that of your Physical Body. How ever you have been treating or mistreating your Physical Body is always on full display, for the World to see and judge. Your Physical Self-Personality is your personal vehicle for Change and is the vessel that facilitates every Change, in and of your Physical Environment and serves as your barometer regarding your Natural Health. Becoming fully aware of your Physical Self-Personality affords you every opportunity to maximize your Life Experiences and to Physically Live according to your Soul’s Purpose.

How aware AM I of My Physical Existence?
AM I a Pro-Active Participant in Life or AM I just sitting in the Crowd, watching the Parade go by?
Do I really appreciate being ALIVE, Right Now or is my attitude just “meh” towards Life?
What, if anything, AM I willing to do in order to transform any part of my current Physical Existence that I AM not happy with?

Your Physical Self-Personality (Physical Body) carries you through life and is responsible for your Overall, General and Ailment-Specific Health and Well-Being. As soon as your Soul enters your mother’s womb and into YOU, your Physical Self-Personality (Physical Body) began to develop and evolve. Once you made your first appearance in the 3rd Dimension, your Physical Body began “carrying” you. How you were nourished and nurtured, during your developmental stages and ages directly affected and influenced your Physical Self-Personality. Whatever Health Markers you currently experience were present when you made your first appearance in the 3rd Dimension, as well. How you nourish and nurture your Physical Body, after your developmental stages and ages strongly effects how much “carrying” your Physical Body can endure.

Do I feel Empowered by or Held Hostage by my Physical Body?
Do I take My Natural Health seriously or AM I just accepting of my Physical Existence?
AM I Accountable and Responsible for, and content with, my current Physical Body condition and if not, what AM I willing to do to transform it?
AM I Aging Gracefully or AM I just Getting Old?

Your Physical Body is a true and accurate reflection of Your Hygiene and How Clean everything about You and Your Physical Existence really is. Personal Hygiene (Soul, Body, Mind, Teeth, House, Kitchen, etc.) is subjective. What you think, feel and believe about Personal Hygiene is determined by how you actually feel about your Physical Existence. Regardless of your personal situations, circumstances, events or happenings, your Physical Self-Personality still regulates your Personal Hygiene. (Think Clean Homeless Person vs Not-so-Clean Person) Your Physical Self-Personality constantly reflects just how “Clean” everything in, of and about You and your Life, truly is. How others “See” you is a direct reflection of how you “see” yourself and strongly influences your Personal Hygiene.

(Tell My Own Homeless Hygiene Story)

How Clean is My Physical Body? Can I do better?
How Clean is My Personal Physical Environment? Can I do better?
Do I consistently make “Clean” Physical Existence Choices? Can I do better?
AM I satisfied with My Physical Appearance and if not, what AM I willing to do to Change it?

Your Physical Body reflects your Physical Wellness, Exercise and other beneficial exertion. How you exert or “work” your Physical Body directly affects how much “carrying” it can efficiently perform and determines how long the efficient “carrying” can go on. Your Physical Body projects your appetites, addictions and over-indulgences. What you consume (Foods, Prescription or Illicit Drugs, Alcohol, Other Questionable Substances) into your Physical Body overwhelmingly affects how much and the type of “carrying” it is capable of. Everything that enters the Physical Body has a Residual Effect. EVERYTHING. What Goes In, Always Comes Out and it normally comes out in a very different way than it came in.

How, What and When do I feed My Physical Body?
Do I get enough Physical Exercise or Other Beneficial Exertion?
Do I get enough Rest and REM Sleep?
Do I relax enough? (Netflix and Chill?)
Do I get in the “Dirt” enough or at all?

Your Physical Self-Personality determines what Physical Hobbies, Sports and Entertainment you partake in, and works in tandem with your Vocational Self-Personality regarding the type of work you do. How you are Physically Built determines which Physical Hobbies and Sports you can participate in. Your height and your weight can put you in line to play certain sports and exclude you from others, and can strongly influence which Physical Hobbies you naturally gravitate towards. How you are Physically Built also determines which vocational fields you can and cannot participate in. Certain vocations require specific Physical Body aspects and without them, you will not be able to participate. (US Navy Personnel that are taller than 6’2” are not fit for Submarine Duty)

Do I keep My Physical Body in Positive Motion or AM I Physically Stale and Stagnant?
AM I content with My Current Physical Body Weight? If not, What AM I willing to do to Change it?
AM I content with My Current Dietary and Nutritional Regimens and if not, what AM I willing to do to Change it?

Now is the time for you to Be Deliberate in Awakening to Your Physical Self-Personality. Now is the time for you to Be Determined in Ascending with Your Evolving Soul. Now is the time for you to Be Intentional in Expanding your Consciousness Mind!

Your First Obligation is to Your Soul Purpose; Everyone Else Gets in Line Behind You!
Your Only Debt is to Yourself
Awaken to Your Mastered Self