Your Intellectual Self-Personality
Assigned to the Throat Chakra
Your Intellectual Self-Personality resides in your Voice and serves as the Home of Your Learning Capacity. All of the knowledge, wisdom, information and other forms of data you have acquired throughout your Current Soul Journey must be decoded and transformed into some form of Communication, by Your Intellectual Self-Personality. How you speak, what you talk about and how you form your thoughts into words, in every situation, for every circumstance and in every instance, is determined and strongly influenced by Your Intellectual Self-Personality. The Depth, Level and Subject Matter of every conversation you have is determined by Your Intellectual Self-Personality. Every word you say, Every word you write and every thought you process into verbal or written communication is regulated and approved by Your Intellectual Self-Personality.
Do I challenge myself on an Intellectual Level or do I just accept everything at face value and the way it is presented?
Do I trust what I know or AM I constantly looking for the “Next” thing that I think can “fix” me?
AM I confident in what I say or AM I unsure and just repeating something that someone else told me?
Your Intellectual Self-Personality determines how you learn, what you learn and how you communicate what you have learned, on a daily basis. Every subject of interest, every course of study and every doctrine, philosophy and theory you gravitate to or towards is determined by Your Intellectual Self-Personality. The amount of any subject of interest you consume (Learn) and digest (Comprehend) is determined by Your Intellectual Self-Personality. Regardless of the subject matter or course of study, Your Intellectual Self-Personality determines how deep you can go with it and how much of it you can effectively communicate.
Do I really trust and believe everything I consistently communicate?
Do I think before I speak and listen to hear, instead of just talking out the side of my neck and just listening to respond?
How does My Anger, Frustrations and Disappointments affect what and how I communicate?
Your Intellectual Self-Personality shapes, determines and strongly influences what “Your Truth” is and how you communicate or “Speak Your Truth” and it completely controls your Creative Expressions (Written, Verbal and Artistic). Your views of the World and of everything that goes on in Society are shaped, formed and expressed through Your Intellectual Self-Personality. How you communicate those Big Picture views is regulated by Your Intellectual Self-Personality. The causes, social groups, political leanings, religious or spiritual affiliations that you align with and everything you stand for on a Personal Level are determined by Your Intellectual Self-Personality. How you communicate and creatively express all of this (Your Truth) is determined by Your Intellectual Self-Personality.
Do I research and come to my own conclusions or do I regurgitate someone else’s version of “truth” that sounds safe and is accepted as the norm?
Do I hold my words for the sake of others or do I speak honestly, openly and transparently, regardless of the situation, circumstance, event or happening?
Will I stand firm in My Truth, no matter what opposition presents itself or will I bow down to the pressure of fitting in?
Your Intellectual Self-Personality determines the differences between Knowledge, Wisdom and Information and it verifies the Truth about all things and invalidates the Lies in everything. Immediately upon receiving any type of incoming Knowledge, Wisdom, Information and all other forms of communicated data, Your Intellectual Self-Personality disseminates and determines if it is “True”, first in a general and overall sense, then for You, on a personal and logical level. Your Intellectual Self-Personality automatically compartmentalizes all incoming communication into the categories you have pre-determined they should go into. All Truth that aligns with “Your Truth” goes into its pre-determined proper place and All Lies that disagree with “Your Truth” goes into its pre-determined proper place. How you navigate between “Your Truth” and the Lies that disagree with it and what you do with “Your Truth” and the Lies that disagree with it is determined by your Intellectual Self-Personality.
AM I a Collector of Knowledge or a Storage Unit for Information?
Do I practice the knowledge I have collected or just store it away?
Do I Live My Truth versus just talking about it?
Do I know the difference between My Truth and The Lies that disagree with it and if not, how do I reconcile the two?
Intellectual Self-Personality Mantra
What I See is What I Get
What I Know is What I Have
I Need to Always Be Thoroughly Informed
I Need to Always Be Completely Aware
I Need to Always Be Thinking Clearly and Freely
I Need to Always Be Verifying Incoming Knowledge, Wisdom and Information against My Truth
I Need to Always Be Willing to Clapback against the Lies that do not align with My Truth
I Need to Always Be Re-Affirming and Re-Validating My Truth
I Need to Always Be Absolutely Sure about what I AM talking about, before I start talking.
The Truth Always Makes You Free and Is Always Appropriate. The Truth Never Changes, whether you agree with it or not.
Always Remember This: It is not about what you say, as much as it is how they heard it!
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