On April 19, 2024, and into the early morning hours of April 20, 2024, Taurus Season officially arrived with its Once-a-Year allowance of the Slow Down, Relax and Injoy Your Natural Flow Energy and Vibration that is well known to every Taurus Native. From NOW through May 20, 2024, take some serious time and give some serious energy towards getting very familiar with Your Full Self-All of Your Personal Sights, Sounds, Feelings, Intuitive Urgings and Longings, as well as Your Highest Good Personal Goals, Desires and Active Pursuits. Injoying and Indulging in The Simple Pleasure in and of Life come to the forefront, NOW, with the emphasis being on SLOWING DOWN and INJOYING every aspect of your daily life and lifestyle. Patiently and Purposefully cooked meals, Thoughtful and Therapeutic Exposure to and in Nature and Lite and Leisurely Social Activities are just a few areas that this season calls for and brings to the surface. This Taurus Season also ushers in the Big Reality check of needing a solid and secure foundation to park our Manifesting Goals, Desires and Active Pursuits upon as well as remind each of us of the tremendous PATIENCE that is required during the entire manifestation process.

And, let me tell you something about this year’s edition of Taurus Season, which is this: This Years Taurus Season is not the ordinary Relax, Get Comfortable and Hang Out Taurus Season. There was a Major Conjunction involving Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus on April 20, 2024. For All Intents and Purposes, this was the foremost and most exceptional transit of 2024 and maybe, for some of us old heads, of this entire incarnation. This noteworthy Stellar Conjunction affords humanity it’s best and most significant opportunity to experience a quantum leap into the next phase of Life and Living, here in 3D. The Sun also anointed Jupiter and Uranus with Kazimi’s, giving each of us the motivation and inspiration to confidently launch our individual plans and projects and progressively move forward with the manifestation process. What is important to keep in mind is this: Most everything takes time and patience to actualize. Settle into your own Rhythm and Routines and Trust the Process, Completely.

This evening, at 10:48 PM PST, we will all experience the Scorpio Full Moon. This is considered a “Pink” Moon and gets its name not from the color of the Moon yet from the herb Moss Pink, also known as creeping phlox, which is one of the earliest widespread flowers of Spring. Now is the time for each of us to go even deeper, into the stanky parts of our Soul, Essence and Being, digging through the muck and mire that remains, dislodging anything that is still hanging out or hanging in our Soul, like slimy driftwood, so it can be resolved, released and reassigned. On the heels of the Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction, this Stellar Event serves as an Integration Point concerning all of the Cosmic Downloads previously received and for all of the Pivotal Shifts currently underway. This is our opportunity to get rid of any and all restrictions that have kept each of us from realizing our Actual Purpose. Think Complete Re-Build and System Transformation when you think about the amount of work necessary, each of us is required to make, in order to rightly receive the tremendous changes that have already been dispatched from Source. Release and Reassign whatever no longer serves your Highest Good and use that energy to fortify what is already beginning to sprout for you.

Let’s take a moment to acknowledge exactly how much each of us have grown, over the last 6 months. As this Scorpio Full (Pink) Moon in rises, think about everything you have worked on over the last six months. You might have worked on feeling more empowered through radical self-acceptance. You might have worked on releasing and healing from trauma. You might have worked on breaking old behavior patterns. You might have worked on letting go of any control or power issues in and of your life. Regardless of what you have worked on these past 6 months, now is the time to recognize your individual growth and encourage further Self-Exploration. No matter What, I AM confident that you will feel transformed by tonight’s Scorpio Full (Pink) Moon.

Your Mastered Self Awaits You!