Numerological Significance August 8th, 2024 (8/8/8): The repetition of the number 8 three times is believed to amplify its energies and significance. It symbolizes a powerful alignment of abundance, prosperity, and manifestation potential. Many people view this alignment as a time to focus on manifesting their deepest desires and achieving personal and spiritual goals.

Astrological Influence: The Sun is in the astrological sign of Leo during this period, which is associated with traits like courage, strength, and self-expression. The alignment of the Sun, Earth, and Sirius is thought to open a “gateway” or Portal for spiritual growth and transformation.

Spiritual and Metaphysical Beliefs: The Lion’s Gate Portal is a time when a powerful energetic shift occurs, offering opportunities for transformation, awakening, and personal growth. It is seen as a time to focus on intentions, spiritual practices, and manifestations.

Here are the Lion’s Gate Portal Opening Mastered Self Affirmations Ritual Steps:

Complete a 7-7-7-7 Mastered Self Breathing Sequence

I AM Determinedly Manifesting Radical Change in My Current Reality while I AM Initiating My Mastered Self’s Awakening

Complete a 7-7-7-7 Mastered Self Breathing Sequence

I AM Awakening to My Mastered Self while I AM Encouraging My Mastered Self’s Ascension up into My New Spiritual Vibration and Frequency

Complete a 7-7-7-7 Mastered Self Breathing Sequence

I AM Invoking, Inviting and Incorporating My Mastered Self Spiritual Proclivities, Proficiencies, Propensities and Philosophies into My Daily Life. I AM Spiritually Living and Manifesting as My Mastered Self, in My Daily Ways and Means of Life, Living and Being

Complete a 7-7-7-7 Mastered Self Breathing Sequence

I AM Invoking, Inviting and Incorporating My Mastered Self Physical Proclivities, Proficiencies, Propensities and Philosophies into My Daily Life. I AM Physically Manifesting and Being as My Mastered Self, in My Daily Ways and Means of Life, Living and Being

Complete a 7-7-7-7 Mastered Self Breathing Sequence

I AM Invoking, Inviting and Incorporating My Mastered Self Mental Proclivities, Proficiencies, Propensities and Philosophies into My Daily Life. I AM Mentally Thinking and Processing as My Mastered Self, in My Daily Ways and Means of Life, Living and Being

Complete a 7-7-7-7 Mastered Self Breathing Sequence

I AM Invoking, Inviting and Incorporating My Mastered Self Emotional Proclivities, Proficiencies, Propensities and Philosophies into My Daily Life. I AM Emotionally Expressing and Reacting as My Mastered Self, in My Daily Ways and Means of Life, Living and Being

Complete a 7-7-7-7 Mastered Self Breathing Sequence

I AM Invoking, Inviting and Incorporating My Mastered Self Intellectual Proclivities, Proficiencies, Propensities and Philosophies into My Daily Life. I AM Intellectually Thinking and Communicating as My Mastered Self, in My Daily Ways and Means of Life, Living and Being

Complete a 7-7-7-7 Mastered Self Breathing Sequence

I AM Invoking, Inviting and Incorporating My Mastered Self Vocational (Financial) Proclivities, Proficiencies, Propensities and Philosophies into My Daily Life. I AM Vocationally (Financially) Thriving and manifesting as My Mastered Self, in My Daily Ways and Means of Life, Living and Being

Complete a 7-7-7-7 Mastered Self Breathing Sequence

I AM Invoking, Inviting and Incorporating My Mastered Self Interpersonal (Sexual) Proclivities, Proficiencies, Propensities and Philosophies into My Daily Life. I AM Interpersonally (Sexually) Connecting and Aligning as My Mastered Self, in My Daily Ways and Means of Life, Living and Being

Complete a 7-7-7-7 Mastered Self Breathing Sequence

I AM Spiritually, Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Intellectually, Vocationally (Financially) and Interpersonally (Sexually) Making Manifest, Here in My Current Reality, during this Now and Present Future Experience, all that which I AM and Endeavor to Be and Become and All that which My Mastered Self Active Pursuits, Goals, Desires, Needs and Wants.

Complete a 7-7-7-7 Mastered Self Breathing Sequence

As Above, So Below
As Within, So Without
As Before, So After
As of the Cosmos, So in the 3rd Dimension
It Is So, It Is So
I AM {Your Name}, My Mastered Self

Complete a 7-7-7-7 Mastered Self Breathing Sequence

Here is the Ritual Recital Sequence Schedule:

Thursday 8/8/2024

Upon the initial opening of this document, you should read through the affirmations and do the breathing sequences 8 Times and then 8 Times before you go to bed

Friday 8/9/2024

Upon awakening, read through the affirmations and do the breathing sequence 7 Times. Start your Business of the day and during the mid part of your day, read through the affirmations and do the breathing sequence 3 Times. Complete the remainder of your day and then read through the affirmations and do the breathing sequence 6 Times before you go to bed.

Saturday 8/10/2024

Upon awakening, read through the affirmations and do the breathing sequence 3 Times. Start your Business of the day and during the mid part of your day, read through the affirmations and do the breathing sequence 2 Times. Complete the remainder of your day and then read through the affirmations and do the breathing sequence 11 Times before you go to bed.

Sunday 8/11/2024

Upon awakening, read through the affirmations and do the breathing sequence 3 Times. Start your Business of the day and during the mid part of your day, read through the affirmations and do the breathing sequence 2 Times. Complete the remainder of your day and then read through the affirmations and do the breathing sequence 11 Times before you go to bed.